Monday, August 4, 2014

GSC Moments

It took me a long time for Charlie to admit that we were friends. Which means this also involved many many therapy sessions.. Talks regarding girls.. Building up Charlie moments.. Generally while helping him change over OpenStock. And sometimes on sunny days walking to the International District.

We got way too comfortable towards the end..


Me:  Charlie! There are certain unspoken rules that I expect from you. and you should expect from me. If there is something large and green in your teeth, I'm going to tell you. (he proceeds to get anxious and pick at his teeth.) If you happen to have stuff in your beard, I am going to tell you. If-your-fly-is-down, I will tell you. I expect the same courtesy.

GSC: Did one of these happen and I not notice?

Me: Yes! My fly was down and ... you.. didn't ... actually notice... (me awkward)

GSC: Oh, I didn't see. I know you well enough that I would have told you...

Me Well.. Good.. Cause you should.. .

GSC (yelling) : Amanda is exposing herself at work again!!


So one day at lunch Allison came in and grunted at Charlie. She then had an exasperated sigh when he looked at her blankly. "Come on, Charlie! Use your BRAIN!" and she gestured to the paper towels.
To which I responded with, " Come on Allison, USE YOUR WORDS."
Shoo- if anyone is going to make fun of Charlie, it's gonna be me.


Me: Hey, Charlie. Have you ever seen Swing Kids?
GSC: No, I have seen kids in swings.


I walked up to GSC & Gabe talking..
"We're talking about something you don't understand.."
My almost response: "PENIS?"


I was wearing a TCC shirt that I found while rummaging through my things.. I wonder why I don't wear this, I thought to myself. It was one with the silhouettes of the 5 guys that I had had Robbie sign at one of the shows.. He also opted to draw on another guys face, just for good measure.. Well.. The silhouettes were right across my chest.. Which also meant that the signature and face were overly prominent. I didn't notice until later. It was too late.
Charlie at some point was standing half way down the aisle and asked what was on the shirt. I pulled out the shirt to explain.. But he realized that he had been caught staring at my chest. My fairly large chest.
He was mortified. His face turned very red.


Charlie also had a big thing about my "boyfriend" Eduardo. (He raises iguanas.) Charlie was always singing Eddie's praises.. Demanding that we get back together because Eddie loves me... The problem with this conversation was that I had had it in my mind once that I was going to have German come to my work and pretend to be Eduardo.. Just to confuse and alarm the lot of them. So I started thinking of German as Eduardo. When I told Charlie stories about German, he would sometimes look confused so I would substitute Eduardo in for the story which made things clearer. But not at all, actually.


Boss: Want to come and get a beer after work?
Me; Yes
Boss (surprised): Really?
Me: Yes.
GSC: If you're gonna start, you better start with us.
Boss: You don't drink, do you?
Me: No

I've been there for two years at this point. My standard response of "No, I don't drink" hasn't sunk in?
There's no hope at this point.
Keep up!


Charlie came down from 7th floor one afternoon and he looked moon struck.
GSC: I just saw you upstairs.
Me: Oh! My sisters here!
GSC: I just saw you upstairs.
Me: I told you my sister was coming.
GSC: I was talking to Patty and the elevator opened and Patty got really excited. Why is she all excited, it's just Amanda. I thought... She looks just like you. Just-like-you.
Me: (laughing)

I met Bekki downstairs and the first thing she says when we round the corner.
Charlie is caaa-ute! 
Vindication. I'm not just crazy. It's not just the smell.

I may have told Charlie about this conversation. Sometimes he just needs a pick me up. A compliment from my happily married sister and mother of four seemed a safe place. He gets so awkward so easy. He was so pleased. It carried him through the rest of that day. And whenever my sister gets brought up in conversation, he makes a point to say a special hello.


We did a white elephant gift exchange for a YSA activity and I got a toy bow and arrow and plastic knife kit. It-was-awesome. I immediately brought it to work and shot people during slow times. The bow and arrows eventually fell apart and I was left with my plastic knife that I would wait to throw at anyone until the first shift employees were gone. It looked menacing and I didn't want to explain. I would randomly throw it at people. Mostly Charlie. Because he would bring it back to me. Like a dog.
Until one fateful day.. I always tried to aim for backs and butts. It seemed like a safe zone and wouldn't cause accidental harm. Until it did. He was standing by the elevator and I chucked my knife, lazily, and he turned at the right/wrong moment and it totally hit him in the crotch. He wasn't doubled over.. But it grazed him apparently.. It was enough. I- was- mortified.
I immediately threw my plastic toy knife away.
He told me it was okay.. that I didn't need to.. But it was just.. too close for my comfort, let alone his..


He was always telling me about his girl woes. I think the best moment was telling him about my guy issues. He was so pleased to be in the know. Joy actually radiated off his face. He now had ammunition for teasing. He could give horrible advice. And yet I still went to him with questions, too. Weird.
His big thing was: wear yellow.
Tell the guy you like him.. and be sure to wear yellow. It capture the eye and will make it so he can't look away.
Are you going to see him? Are you going to wear yellow?
Did you wear yellow.


And then there was that one time that Krista blatantly hit on Charlie at an OR shindig. Blatantly. Over the top pick up lines.. I was mortified. My face was beet red. Charlie's was too, but he can hide it better behind that damn beard. After the BBQ he was gone for a week so I had a good chunk of time to dwell on it before he came back and I could address it.. Pulling him down an aisle away from people..
"She was doing it to make me uncomfortable.. She doesn't do that in real life.. I'm so sorry."
He just shyly acknowledged it and said he knew she was just trying to make me uncomfortable. He and I will bring it up on occasion. Krista became Krista-theonewhoblatantlyhitonyou. (all one word.)


Shortly after this guy Dan started working warehouse, Charlie and I were bickering about something. We tended to do this a lot. I thought it was hilarious. Besides the fact Charlie drove me crazy sometimes and I had no problem pointing it out. Dan was eyeing us.
"Mom and Dad are fighting again!" he whined.
(Amanda red face)

One day GSC came to me and asked where I got my jeans because the ones he likes aren't carried at Target anymore. (weird.) This led to a conversation on whether or not he should just get more cargo pants, like the ones he wears for work. The ones he got FROM work. Like the ones he never washed.
Me: No, you should just get jeans.
Him: Yea, you're probably riiight.
Me: Don't take this too personal, but you just look better in jeans.
Him: cchhheeekk- with a cocky smirk and began to pose.


A few months before I quit, Kimvu came to me and asked if I had a crush on Charlie. I was thoroughly amused. Especially since I knew he was going to ask. He had a look on his face and had been eyeing us for weeks. Whenever I would be talking to Charlie.. Whenever we were having a good laugh, Kimvu was there, smirking and watching. Always watching.
Anyway, so he came and and asked me this. I laughed. Truth be told, I didn't answer the question. I am not actually sure how long I had a crush on Charlie. He was just that constant in my life that I liked for a long time. It was easy. It was funny. It got me through a dull dull job.
But I was absolutely not going to tell Kimvu that. Why would I?
I did tell this to Charlie. At least this conversation with Kimvu. I told him about it, amused, but hesitant.
We had a good laugh about this.

GSC: Actually, he asked me the same thing a couple days ago.
I was shocked. I was very pleased with this. It meant that even though I was over the top obvious about my crush on Charlie or at least my regard for him.. I was glad that it was being seen on his side too.
GSC proceeded to explain that Kimvu doesn't understand that guys and girls can be friends.

Yes yes. That's all well and good.. I still win.

Me: Hey, Charlie.. I hope you don't take this too personally.. but I'm really going to miss you when you're gone.
GSC: Yea, I'm gonna miss you too.

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