Saturday, September 20, 2014

Not about London..

So there are dreadful YA books that I have read that will constantly describe guys to be so fit, so ripped, so whatever that they are "god-like." (I am so so sick of the gods...) This has been a common frustration for me for a while. Especially in Twilight when she refers to him as marble. Whatever. So dumb. Why would anyone honestly want to hug cold stone... although I don't go around hugging stone, so who knows right?

And then I did. Not really. Details first. A coworker from Seattle came out here because he is starting school at Oxford Brookes and I hung out with him for a bit. Too long, if you ask me. He flew in on Tuesday and I met up with him and we wandered. He wanted to hang out on Wednesday but I did Thursday instead. It was weird hanging out with him outside of work. So so strange. We rarely talked while we were AT work... and I spent hours with him. hoooouuurrs. I kept waiting for him to be like- Ok, I'm done with you.. But it just kept going. Thankfully on Thursday evening I had plans to go for institute and they do a dinner beforehand. I invited him and he came for the free food. It was so absurdly weird. I am not sure what was more awkward, now that I think about it. Me or him. (o.o) All and all it was fine. But before he took off, because he finally did call it quits.. He came to give me a hug. Disregarding the fact that I had never hugged him before and that was awkward, but it was just rock hard all around. And totally unappealing. I'm just sayin.
Gosh I miss Josh hugs. 

In other news... 

I am addicted to Downton Abbey.. It's a problem. I would not recommend it to Bekki.

School starts next week. I met some people from my program. They seem very nice. It's different to be at a school like this. My only uni experience was BYUI.. and that was obviously different. I am very very grateful for my time at BYUI, but this is seriously gonna be something out of the twilight zone. The people I've met are nice. Book people are nice people. All females (shocker) and people who have done less than I have prep-wise.. Which makes me feel better. AND I found out that I have a month & a half off at Christmas and I am done with classes in March. MARCH. After that I have to do my dissertation, but still.

I am looking at internships. It looks like they do a bunch of internships that are 2 week stints. I am thinking about applying to a bunch of those. Get some experiences. See what's happening while I am here. Then maybe I can get a solid one come next year? I think this is a good plan.

Random things I want to spill and just don't have time for the details at the moment.

I still have a thing for Josh and Scott. I was hoping the distance would make a difference. It hasn't.
This doesn't help with Krista sometimes sending me pictures.. Or pics from Jules of "my future children." (which is again a picture of scott as a child that his dad had posted on FB..) Amusing to be kept in the loop. Amusing for the joke.. It just gets old and is a slight stab and twist.
I need a distraction.

I stayed at the guys house one night before I left. I had plans with German the next morning so I opted to stay in their theatre room. I left my house with Josh with a taunt from Trisha "have fun at your sleepover!" Little did she know... I still have a visual of a sly and excited grin from Josh. "You're gonna stay, right?" I had a habit of going over there and staying till 1-2 AM, so for all Trisha and Krista knew that's what I did. It was weird to end late night conversations, say goodnight and go downstairs. Although to be honest, I had hit a point of referring to their house as mine. I had spent so much time there. I had cooked and cleaned. I made plans of "we" referring to me and the house. I did this a number of times and Josh always looked so pleased. I liked sleeping down there. It was cold and dark. Best of all worlds when in a Seattle summer.  (Krista and Trisha still don't know of this.. While the guys house don't see anything in this, Krista would be very exasperated.. and that amuses me)
I scared the crap out of German the next morning. He knew I was coming. I told him I was staying.. He didn't believe me and had left before I came. I came upstairs into the kitchen.. But I sometimes do this thing when I go up a ton of stairs that I will go on all fours.. So when I popped my head around the corner I wasn't at proper human height. I have never seen German look so alarmed and freaking out in all time knowing him. It  was kind of fantastic. Alarming because of the large knife he had in his hand, but no harm no foul.

I am going to see 39 steps (the play) with my new friend John on Tuesday. I am going to talk to him about being my movie buddy. They have a thing where if you sign up for a year, you can get unlimited movies for 19 a month. Unlimited. Movies.

I have had steady correspondence with Charlie. (GSC) It makes me very happy to hear from him.

"I won't tell anyone that you turn the world around.
I won't tell anyone that your voice is my favorite sound."
Ingrid Michaelson

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