Thursday, February 12, 2015

Yea so I'm an idiot sometimes..

I am standing outside the British Library trying to figure out my directions and some guy comes up to ask when the library closes. I give him the answer. He proceeds to continue the conversation. I am in a slight panic/annoyed because I want to be elsewhere. In midst of conversation with he proceeded to ask me a bunch of questions and engaging the conversation. He's from northern England. I didn't think I would see him again. No I dont want to get coffee, I have to go... Through said conversation he will ask random questions and then point blank ones, such as: are you dating someone. Are you married, have children, etc. The one that amused and annoyed me further was who I lived with back in the states. WHAT? What do you mean who did I live with? I have had like 60 roommates in the past decade. I didnt say that but it was a dumb question. He asks for my number. Sure. Figuring I can just shake him at that point.. Nope. He proceeds to come with me to where I am going. I dont know where I am going. So at an awesome opportunity, I hop on some form of transit and go on my way to anywhere else. 

I hear from him later that night. How nice. 

Sunday morning he calls me twice. at 9 AM. Seriously?? 9 FREAKING AM? On a Sunday?? I occasionally respond, but I am busy so I don't answer when he calls. Which is quite a bit actually. I think he finally decides to call it quits on Wednesday. Mind I met him on Saturday. At that point he has called me EIGHT TIMES. On this day I had honestly forgotten my phone at home and gone all day. It was weird. I come home to him asking, after a ton of texts, if he should just delete my number. *sigh of relief.* Yes. Sure. That would probably be best. And I am thinking, this must be so annoying to him. What a relief that is over. He then says.. why should I delete your number? Do you want me to? Why?

Umm.. You are the one that suggested this... And because I must be frustrating.
(I had also been really sick so this all was just obnoxious.) 
He then proceeds to tell me that I was indecisive and misleading, but that I should still want to meet up with him..

Umm. no. I I try a .. Well.. Considering the distance and school, this is probably not for the best.

He proceeds to tell me that I AM misleading, but it's not a big deal because he's a millionaire, literally, and that I am an indecisive tramp that he met on the streets. 

This is all via text so I can give you the proper dialogue. 

ME: Hahahahhahahhahahaahhahahahaaa. That's hilarious. Like I care about your money.

HIM: Your not even good looking I've dated much better.

ME: And yet.... You called me 8 times in the last week. *shrug. Looks like I dodged a bullet.

HIM: It's funny how you got so much time to text back so much now hmmmmm this is what some people are like.

ME: Again, You're showing your true colors.
And then I blocked him.

 It was such a 180. In a strange turn of events, one minute singing his own praises and how I should give him the time of day, the next calling me a misleading trampThis coming from a guy that I tried to politely get go away for at least 3 blocks. A guy who has called me 8 times in 4 days... 

And given. I shouldnt have given him my number, but he seemed almost okay at the time. BUT let me tell you, I'm not doing that again. And I have a story that I have prepared in my head of a fake BF. HOWEVER- he went bat-shit-crazy. (which is such a weird turn of phrase.) Live and learn I guess. Honestly though.. You would have thought I did something more besides not going out with him...

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