Saturday, October 25, 2014

Star Shaped Tupperware

There is this kid that I know. Jason. He made things really hellish for himself while he was in Seattle. He would be interested in a girl, as her out.. and then.. when they weren't interested or interseted in someone else.. he would go.. a little crazy. Sign them up to get spammed. On email and phone. That's just naming a small thing... I guess he just expected there to be interest when girls responded positively to him.. Not realizing that most (lds?) girls will say yes just to:
1- be nice
2- it's a FIRST DATE. no harm in a first date.

He created situations for himself and let everyone know about it. It was a mess. There is too much detail to go into here.. But let me tell you.. I hit several breaking points mostly due to my frustration. For whatever reason.. I became his sponsor. I told him that if there was ever a time that he felt inclined to "get back" at a girl or had concerns about dating, to contact me. I didn't want him to do what he has done in Seattle. (He has since moved to Utah) For whatever reason... I took this upon myself. A free service to him and everyone he might encounter later.

I am happy to say that he has been doing well. He has been contact me over the last few weeks about a girl he has asked out on TWO dates. And there will probably even be a third. He has been slow in his process, but based on his previous experiences I'm not surprised. Doesn't want to scare her away either, I imagine.

But I got an email from him today telling me:
1. about the date
2. asking if it sounded right, that he should ask her out on another date.

It's so cute.

I'm so excited for him.

I hope it works out.

The odd shaped tupperware hopefully found its lid...

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